Council meeting minutes 5-16-16


May 16, 2016

     The City Council of the City of Fayette, Iowa, met Monday, May 16, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. in the Fayette City Hall pursuant to law and rules of said council, Mayor Wenthe presiding.

     Roll call: Present - Council members Kragnes, Nefzger, Sorensen, Wulfekuhle. Absent – McGrane.

     Moved Nefzger, seconded Kragnes, to approve the consent agenda consisting of the regular meeting minutes of 05/02/16, Claims List of 05/03–16/16 and the April 2016 Treasurer’s/Clerk’s Report. Admin/Clerk Dennis noted that the cost of the two heart monitor life packs of $48,339.36 is offset by more than one-half from a grant the Fayette Ambulance Service received from the American Heart Association in the amount of $23,475.66. Roll call, all ayes, carried.

     Treasurer's Balance for Fund Accounts as of April 30, 2016: General $368,853.72; Streets $408,838.28; Debt Service $9,916.12; Water Utility $264,955.12; Water T&A $23,770.67; Sewer Utility $474,978.19; CDBG Sewer ($320,952.81); Landfill/Recycling ($669.70); Yard Waste $12,819.59; Bolger Fund $152,107.54; TIF $53,828.69; Local Option Sales Tax $81,484.77; Storm Water $3,978.86; Downtown Project ($24,926.26); Franchise Fees $29,104.14. April Receipts by Fund: General $115,774.23; Streets $9,980.85; Debt Service $2,964.01; Water Utility $49,462.24; Water T&A $1,075; Sewer Utility $77,782.99; Lf/Recycling $14,299.44; Yard Waste $2,845.05; Bolger $1,419; TIF $13,838.54; Local Option $7,243.59; Storm Water $1,422.89; Franchise Fees $1,501.55. Receipts $299,609.38. April Disbursements by Fund: General $24,216.59; Streets $18,826.14; Water Utility $12,535.34; Water T&A $48.84; Sewer Utility $13,883.03; CDBG Sewer $53.74; LF/Recycling $14,957.71; Yard Waste $3,900. Total Disbursements: $88,421.39. Investments: $1,282,521.54. Bank Balance $2,820,608.46. Balance with Library Funds $2,915,273.68.

     Randy Clark & Connie Conner were present because they requested a hearing in front of the city council regarding a nuisance notice they were given that was authorized by Fayette Police Chief Pisanti and Mayor Wenthe. The two items in the nuisance notice were 1) Camping trailer is emitting a noxious odor believed to be associated with illegal drug production and consumption/usage, and 2) camping trailer does not bear a current registration. Clark said the city has no proof that they were manufacturing drugs inside the camper. He added that they have always paid their camping fees and they could have gotten the registration handled in one day instead of being evicted for 180 days. Mayor Wenthe said he felt there were legitimate concerns from law enforcement so that is what he acted on and there was a citizen complaint. The mayor added that it was his decision to sign the nuisance notice. No action was taken on the couple’s appeal. The camper was removed from Klock’s Island City Park as requested within the specified time.            

     Moved Wulfekuhle, seconded Nefzger, to approve the agenda as presented. All ayes to approve, carried.

     Mayor Wenthe reported that a preconstruction meeting was held in City Hall on May 12th for the construction of a two-story gazebo by the recreation trail (about a mile from Cardinal Park) going from Fayette to the Volga River Recreation Area. Upper Iowa University received an IDOT grant to fund this project, so the bids were let by the IDOT. The mayor said the gazebo is expected to be finished in 30 days so probably around June 30th. He added that UIU will be applying again for a grant to finish the north end of the recreation trail.

     Administrator/Clerk Dennis reported Public Works Jerry Hildebrand and she met with Fehr Graham engineers, Jon Biederman and Jeremy Bril, in City Hall to discuss the FY17 sewer main lining & repair project. The plan is to slip-line approximately 5,000 – 6,000 feet of sewer main, plus spot repair parts of the city mains that will require excavation. The city will apply for a SRF loan through the IDNR for the estimated cost of around $300,000. A telephone conversation with Terry Kirschenman, IDNR Engineer, was done and counted as our required project initiation meeting. Fehr Graham plans to submit the Intended Use Plan (IUP) before June 1, 2016. ~ Dan Boberg took delivery of the golf cart for Main Street Matters flower watering. The cost was $2,000, as approved by the council on May 2, 2016. The cart is a 1998 electric Club Car purchased from Rudy’s Sales and Service, Denver, Iowa. Rudy’s mounted the 25 gallon water tank on the cart that cost $133.70. Donations will cover the cost of the tank.

   Police Chief Pisanti reported he and the police committee interviewed five police officer candidates. Three of the officers are certified and a decision of who to hire will be made soon.

     Moved Sorensen, seconded Nefzger, to introduce Resolution 2016-06: Supporting the Home Base Iowa Initiative. All ayes to discuss. Sam Whitehead, the new Fayette County Economic Development Director and Upper Explorerland Regional Planning Commission employee, was present and introduced himself. He explained that Home Base Iowa is a State of Iowa initiative which is an effort to match military veterans with jobs available across Iowa. It involves communities and businesses promoting and supporting the initiative by listing their names and jobs on a state database where veterans may go to find a job and community that suits them. Upper Iowa University and Blessing Industries have already signed up and pledged to be Home Base Iowa businesses.  

     Moved Kragnes, seconded Wulfekuhle, to approve Resolution 2016-06: Supporting the Home Base Iowa Initiative. On roll call, all ayes, carried.

     Moved Nefzger, seconded Kragnes, to introduce the FY16 Budget Amendment for discussion. Admin/Clerk Dennis explained the FY16 budget needs to be amended because the Mechanic Street Paving Project and Sewer Modifications Project weren’t budgeted for in FY16. The city has the money for these projects so there will be no increase in tax levies or sewer fees. Moved Nefzger, seconded Sorensen, to set a public hearing for June 6, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. in the Fayette City Hall and direct City Admin/Clerk Dennis to publish the notice as required. All ayes, carried.

     Moved Sorensen, seconded Kragnes, to discuss the request from the Fayette American Legion for a $7,000 no-interest loan to be paid back over four years or less. Dan Boberg was present and explained that the Legion plans to finish the front upstairs apartment, since the back and middle apartments are completed, and also to finish the flooring on the back steps and hallway. Boberg added that both apartments are rented. Kragnes asked if the Legion had tried to get a conventional loan or done fund raising. Boberg said they do fund raising but haven’t talked to a bank. Nefzger said she recalled that in the past when the City loaned the Legion money from the Bolger Fund it would be a one-time request and that the Legion would have funds from rental income to fix up the second and then third apartment. Wulfekuhle said she wants to see improvements on Main Street. Kragnes said she was concerned with setting a precedent, that the City isn’t a bank and where do they draw the line if someone else asks for money. Wulfekuhle suggested that the Legion pursue a “Go Fund Me” page on the internet to raise funds and offered to help Boberg set it up. Boberg said the Legion would raise the money on their own. Sorensen said he recalled that the council previously had discussed to not make loans anymore. There were no further comments or motions on the request.

     Moved Nefzger, seconded Kragnes, to introduce the completion letter from IIW Engineers for the Wastewater Treatment Facilities 2013, Contract B Lagoon Improvements Project. The letter stated that Blazek Corporation, Lawler, Iowa, had completed construction of the Lagoon Improvements portion of the sewer project in compliance with the drawings and specifications and the project is ready for acceptance. The final project construction cost, including previously approved Change Orders, is $1,370,945. Moved Nefzger, seconded Kragnes, to approve the project per IIW Engineers recommendation. All ayes, carried.

     Moved Sorensen, seconded Wulfekuhle, to introduce the request from John Kelly for additional street lighting in the 100 block of Mechanic Street. All ayes to discuss. Admin/Clerk Dennis furnished the information she had received from Alliant Energy about the cost to install another street light. To set a new pole the cost would be $473, as long as Alliant doesn’t need to go further than 100 feet away from their wire and the annual cost would be $72.12. If there is already a pole, then the annual cost would be $104.52 per year. Admin/Clerk Dennis said the city already spends $19,000 per year on street lighting. Dennis provided the council with a map showing the location of all the street lights surrounding the 100 block of Mechanic. She noted there are two parking lot lights in the middle of the block for the apartment building at 103 Mechanic, one door down from the Kelly property, which no other block in town has. The council took no action on the street light request.

     There being no further business, moved Nefzger, unanimous, to adjourn at 8:09 pm.

There is no place like home. And there is no place like Fayette.

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