Council Meeting Minutes 1-2-18


January 2, 2018

     The City Council of the city of Fayette, Iowa, met Tuesday, January 2, 2018 at 7:31pm in the Fayette City Hall pursuant to law and rules of said council, Mayor Wenthe presiding.

     Roll call: Present - Council members Cowley, Larson, Nefzger, Tucker and Wulfekuhle.

     Moved Wulfekuhle, seconded Nefzger, to approve the consent agenda consisting of the regular meeting minutes of 12/18/17, the claims list of 12/19/17 – 1/2/18, and the approval of a liquor license for the Fayette Opera House, if approved from the State of Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division.  Roll call, all ayes, motion carried.

     Moved Wulfekuhle, seconded Tucker, to approve the agenda as presented. All ayes to approve, carried.

     Mayor Wenthe presented the council committees, boards and representatives.  The council committee appointments are:  Finance – Cowley (Chair), Nefzger, Larson; Personnel – Nefzger (Chair), Tucker, Wulfekuhle;  Safety – Larson (Chair), Cowley, Wulfekuhle;  Streets & Sidewalks – Wulfekuhle (Chair), Larson, Tucker;  Police – Mayor Wenthe (Chair), Nefzger, Tucker;  Mayor Pro-Tem – Nefzger. 

     Administrator/Clerk McGrane gave a brief update on the Flood of 2017 status.

     Police Chief Pisanti gave a brief report to the council. 

     Moved Nefzger, seconded Cowley, to discuss a request from Wanda Sargent at 401 W. Water Street to make payments on her past-due water bill.  Sargent was not present at the meeting, but had stopped at Fayette City Hall earlier today and paid half of the past due bill.  Sargent advised she is working with Northeast Iowa Community Action (NEICA) to pay the other half.  The representative that Sargent is working with at NEICA was not in the office today so McGrane could not reach out to verify any information.  After a brief discussion, moved Nefzger, seconded Cowley, to give another 24 hours or until Thursday, January 4th morning before turning the water off for Sargent to pay the other half of the bill and to find out if Sargent is working with NEICA and a status of when the payment would be received by the city.  All ayes, carried.

     Moved Tucker, seconded Nefzger, to table discussion with representatives from RFSW on the FY17 City Examination.

     Moved Larson, seconded Nefzger, to consider and approve hosting a City Finance 101 Workshop.  After discussion, moved Tucker, seconded Nefzger, to host a City Finance 101 Workshop in Fayette on Monday, January 22nd, with back-up dates of January 30th or 31st at 6PM or 6:30PM, depending on the availability of the speaker.  All ayes, carried.

     Moved Larson, seconded Cowley, to consider changing the time of regular city council meetings.  After discussion, moved Larson, seconded Wulfekuhle, to start the process of changing all regular city council meetings in the future to be held at 6PM and to change the next city council meeting on January 15th to 6PM.  All ayes, carried.

     Moved Larson, seconded Nefzger, to clarify Holiday Pay for Full Time and Part Time employees.  After discussion, moved Tucker, seconded Cowley, to start the process of changing Section 3.2 Holidays in the Personnel Policy by adding “Part-time employees shall not be entitled to any holiday pay”.  All ayes, carried.

     Moved Larson, seconded Cowley, to discuss and consider the conditional offer from American Tower Corporation on the land they lease from the City of Fayette.  After discussion, moved Larson, seconded Cowley, to take no action on the offers at this time.  All ayes, carried.

     Moved Tucker, seconded Larson, to discuss and consider accepting the CDBG grant money for the downtown project.  After discussion, moved Nefzger, seconded Wulfekuhle, to accept the grant and continue to move forward with the project.  Four voted aye, Larson nay, motion carried.

     Moved Larson, seconded Cowley, to discuss and take action on the storm water drainage system violation by Chris Matt and Matt Properties, LLC at 105 W. Madison Street along King Street.  After discussion, moved Larson, seconded Wulfekuhle, to have the city wait until spring to fix the ditch due to the frozen ground, but Matt will still be liable for the costs.  All ayes, motion carried. 

     There being no further business, moved Nefzger, unanimous, to adjourn at 8:27pm.  

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